S2E24 The 2 / 4 Human Design Profile in Business - Influence through Natural Talent

People with the 2/4 Hermit/Opportunist profile can be incredibly influential over their networks through sharing their natural gifts and talents.

They can struggle with seeing themselves and usually don’t even know they have a special gift because it comes so naturally to them. When aligned, someone in their network will call this gift out of them and ask them to share it.

I cover both the strengths and challenges of this profile and how to step into the highest expression of this so your business can thrive.

You may have this profile yourself or you may recognize it in someone you know. Understanding ourselves and our loved ones through the lens of the profile gives us a lot of insight into how we and/or they fulfill potential. 

If you’re not a 2 / 4 profile but you have either a 2 or a 4 in your own profile (2 / 5, 4 / 6, 4 / 1, 5 / 2 or 6 / 2) you automatically have resonance with the 2 / 4s in your life and you naturally understand the part of their profile that you share. I’ll go deeper into resonance in a future episode.

You can connect with Maureen, whose story I shared in this episode, at https://maureen-webb.com/

Are you read to create a business and life you love, grounded in Emotional Intelligence and your unique Human Design? Join me in Emotional Intelligence by Human Design: Your Path to Conscious Entrepreneurship through Human Design and Emotional Intelligence.

Learn more about this unique and personalized program where deconditioning through Human Design meets conscious entrepreneurship.


To learn more about fear, emotional intelligence, and human design, be sure to connect with me on Instagram @HDVanessaNaja where I share regular, valuable content about emotional intelligence, fears, and Aspects of human design that are applicable to your business and your life.


To go deeper into your own unique Human Design chart, I invite you to check out the following free and paid resources:

Free Resources: 

Free Human Design Chart:


Free Human Design Short Report:


Paid Resources:

Book Your Human Design Reading at 


Purchase Your Deep Dive Human Design Report at 


The Human Design Deep Dive Course Bundle   https://learn.vanessanaja.com/humandesigndeepdive

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S2E24 The 2 / 4 Human Design Profile in Business - Influence through Natural Talent
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