S2E18 - Intimacy. Connection & Creativity in Relationships and Business - Human Design Emotional Wave Channel 59 - 6

There are a lot of ways that we can connect with other people to create healthy bonds that nurture our tribes in both personal and professional relationships. 

Emotional energy plays a huge role in this. How we interact emotionally can make or break powerful bonds that can ensure our survival, creativity, and ability to produce efficiently, effectively, and beautifully with other people.

In today's episode, I'm covering Human Design channel 59 - 6, The Channel of Mating in personal relationships and the strength of Interaction in Business relationships.

This channel creates an emotional wave known as the source wave which is the beginning of all of the emotional waves.

You'll learn all about the role of this channel and the emotional wave associated with it in intimacy, bonding, and creativity, both in personal and professional relationships and how this energy can show up in your life. 

The energy associated with this channel is a really important aspect of emotional intelligence. And when this is understood and embodied, it will help you have the most effective creative and further relationships, both personally and professionally. 

Dive deep into your own unique emotional intelligence potential: Join me in Emotional Intelligence by Human Design: Your Unique Map to Self Empowerment, Courage and Emotional Wisdom through Human Design.

Learn more about this unique and personalized program that helps you step into the highest potential of your Emotional Intelligence and overcome the fears that are holding you back from living the life you were born to live.


To learn more about fear, emotional intelligence, and human design, be sure to connect with me on Instagram @HDVanessaNaja where I share regular, valuable content about emotional intelligence, fears, and Aspects of human design that are applicable to your business and your life.


To go deeper into your own unique Human Design chart, I invite you to check out the following free and paid resources:

Free Resources: 

Free Human Design Chart:


Free Human Design Short Report:


Paid Resources:

Book Your Human Design Reading at 


Purchase Your Deep Dive Human Design Report at 


The Human Design Deep Dive Course Bundle   https://learn.vanessanaja.com/humandesigndeepdive

You can listen to these episodes on all major podcasting platforms, YouTube and Insight Timer




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S2E18 - Intimacy. Connection & Creativity in Relationships and Business - Human Design Emotional Wave Channel 59 - 6
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