Episode 30 - First Line in Human Design - Investigator, Authority
The First Line in Human Design, known as the Investigator or Authority, needs to have a solid foundation in order to feel secure. It builds that foundation through Investigation and research, gathering the information they need and have the potential to eventually become an authority in the subject they are studying. If this line is a part of your Human Design Profile (1 / 3 , 1 / 4, 4 / 1 or 5 / 1), it is an important part of how you fulfill your purpose. If it’s not part of your profile it’s likely that it shows up in other parts of your design as well and you may or may not strongly resonate, even if it isn’t part of your profile
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The Human Design Deep Dive Course Bundle https://learn.vanessanaja.com/humandesigndeepdive
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