Episode 29 - Profile in Human Design

Your Human Design Profile is a very significant aspect of who you are. Your profile tells you a lot about how you fulfill your purpose in life. This is the role you play in life and includes aspects of your learning style, relationship style as well as potential significant life cycles. In this episode, we go deeper into what your profile means for you and each of the 6 qualities that can form your profile. We will dive deeper into each line in upcoming episodes.

The Human Design Report that I mention in the episode goes into depth on your specific profile.

Learn more about this report: Purchase Your Deep Dive Human Design Report at 


To go deeper into your own unique Human Design chart, I invite you to check out the following free and paid resources:

Book Your Human Design Reading at 


Purchase Your Deep Dive Human Design Report at 


The Human Design Deep Dive Course Bundle  https://learn.vanessanaja.com/humandesigndeepdive

Free Resources: 



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Episode 29 - Profile in Human Design
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