Episode 27 - What Human Design tells you about your Unconscious

One of the most fascinating and unique things about Human Design is that it goes into the unconscious aspects of who you are. Other systems only look at your conscious aspects. The conscious aspects of your design is who you identify as. The unconscious aspects of your design are what’s going on below the surface and represent your genetic lineage. Learn about how you can see this all spelled out by just looking at your Human Design Chart and how these distinct parts work together to create the unique, authentic being that you are. 

To go deeper into your own unique Human Design chart, I invite you to check out the following free and paid resources:

Book Your Human Design Reading at 


Purchase Your Deep Dive Human Design Report at 


The Human Design Deep Dive Course Bundle     https://learn.vanessanaja.com/humandesigndeepdive

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Episode 27 - What Human Design tells you about your Unconscious
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