Episode 23 - The G - Center in Human Design

Welcome to Episode 23, where we explore the G center in human design—the center of love, identity, and direction. Whether your G center is defined or undefined, it plays an important role in how you experience self-love, acceptance, identity and direction. In this episode, we explore how this center operates in both low and high expressions, offering insights into living in alignment with your unique design. Whether you radiate a consistent energy or experience variability, our discussion covers the journey from unhealthy states to a healthy, high-expression connection with your identity and direction. We’ll discuss how your strategy and authority helps you align with the highest expression of this center and finding deconditioning practices, and the wisdom that comes from embracing your identity and direction. 

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The Human Design Deep Dive Course Bundle  https://learn.vanessanaja.com/humandesigndeepdive

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Episode 23 - The G - Center in Human Design
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