Episode 19 - The Ajna Center in Human Design

In this episode, we explore the intricate dynamics of the Ajna Center. This center, also termed the Conceptualization Function in the business application Human Design (BG5), plays a pivotal role in transforming inspiration from the head center into tangible frameworks expressed through the throat center. Regardless of whether your Ajna is defined or undefined, it significantly influences your thought processes, shaping your worldview. Those with a defined Ajna experience the consistency and reliability of their thinking, while individuals with an undefined Ajna enjoy mental flexibility and receptiveness to diverse perspectives. Join me as we navigate the realm of mental awareness, discussing the impact of assigned meanings on our perceptions and the vital process of deconditioning limiting beliefs. Our exploration unfolds the nuances of the Ajna Center, guiding you to embrace your unique configuration for a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Insight Timer for Yoga Nidra and guided meditations as mentioned in the Episode:


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Episode 19 - The Ajna Center in Human Design
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